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Exit 9 Gems

Exit 9 Gems

One of the most important missions we have here at Exit 9 Wine & Liquor Warehouse is to bring the best wines (at the best prices) to our customers. A brief walk through our sales floor presents thousands of options to choose from, many of which we've put in a great deal of time and effort to source. Customer favorites like Fog Mountain, Natale Verga, Grey's Peak Vodka and Belle de Provence Rose were discovered by our team of buyers and have been staples of our growing selection.

All of the wines and spirits stamped with our "Exit 9 Gems" seal of approval are items we feel very strongly for. They provide good to great quality at incredible values.

We also offer a few featured selections featuring full writeups further down this page. Stop in, talk to an associate and browse the selection (all items are marked with green price tags), or shop online to find your next favorite bottle.

When you buy 6 or more of these items (mix & match), you will receive 10% off the price of those bottles!

Featured Wine - Pierre Bubbly

The perfect on-the-go sparkling wine. Pierre Bubbly is a dry sparkling wine in a resealable can.

Heading up to Saratoga Racecourse this summer? This won't be confiscated at security. Hitting up Lake George, Sacandaga, Schroon Lake or Saratoga Lake? These can come along without the fear of glass bottles breaking on the boat deck.

At 500ml, these are slightly smaller than a standard bottle but they're perfect for toasts, or for making morning mimosas on the lake or in the paddock while you take in the races.

Even better, these are on sale currently with a "buy 2 for $5" deal. Each can you add on after the initial two sells for $2.50 per-can.

Featured Spirit - 1941 Vodka

A relative newcomer to our selection of Sourced and Certified products is a vodka that compares extremely favorably to Tito's, at a fraction of the cost.

Crafted from American Midwest corn and distilled 6 times, this vodka is gluten free, and super tasty. A crisp and clean vodka which features just a hint of sweetness, this should be your new go-to vodka when you're shopping for a party, or even just trying to restock the home bar.

Like all our other Sourced and Certified items, you can mix and match this with any other Sourced and Certified product to receive 10% off each bottle.
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